一动 | 一動 | |||
yī dòng | yat1 dung6 | |||
completely / | ||||
Mouseover for pinyin and definition (if available). Click for dictionary lookup. 他(tā) another 只(zhǐ zhīzhī) only 要(yào) may 一动(yī dòng) completely 伤口(shāng kǒu) wound 就(jiù) only 连带(lián dài) to entail 整个(zhěng gè) entire 胳膊(gēbó) (n) arm 都(dū) all 疼(téng) sore 。 Whenever he moved, the wound sent pains all along his arm. 那个(nà ge) also pr. nei4 ge5 孩子(hái zi) child 被(bèi) quilt 吓得(xiàde) to be so scared that 一动(yī dòng) completely 也不能(yěbùnéng) 动(dòng) to move 。 The child was paralyzed with fear. 小猫(xiǎo māo) kitten 一动(yī dòng) completely 也不(yě bù) nor 动(dòng) to move 。 The cat didn't move a muscle. | ||||
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一 动 |