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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī zuò
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
/(yat1 jo6 )
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为了(wèi le) in order to
观测(guān cè) to survey
星象(xīng xiàng) star signs (in astrology)
(tā) another
(jiàn) to build
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
一座( yī zuò)
了望台(liàowàngtái) observation platform

He built an observatory to study the stars.

图片(tú piàn) image
(dedì) of
背景(bèi jǐng) context
(shì) is
一座( yī zuò)
城堡(chéng bǎo) castle

There is a castle in the background of the picture.

那是(nà shì) indeed
一座( yī zuò)
(tǎ) pagoda

That's a tower.

很久以前(hěn jiǔ yǐ qián) langsyne
(zài) (located) at
一座( yī zuò)
(xiǎo) few
住着( zhù)
一个(yī gè) a
(lǎo) very
国王(guó wáng) king

A long time ago, there lived an old king on a small island.

重庆(chóng qìng) Chongqing city (Chungking), formerly in Sichuan province, a municipality since 1997, abbr. 渝
(shì) is
一座( yī zuò)
丘陵(qiū líng) hills
(dedì) of
城市(chéng shì) urban
道路(dào lù) way
弯弯曲曲的( wān wān qū qū de) snaky

Chongqing is a hilly city with winding streets.

一座( yī zuò)
古城(gǔ chéng) old city

This is a historic city.

假设(jiǎ shè) hypothesis
(hé) with
之间(zhī jiān) between
(yǒu) some
一座( yī zuò)
高山(gāo shān) alpine
(nà nā nā) Na
就要(jiù yào) will
考虑一下( kǎo lv yī xià) to consider a little
路线(lù xiàn) route
应该(yīng gāi) should
越过(yuè guò) to overcome
高山(gāo shān) alpine
(zōu) ,
穿过(chuān guò) to pass across
高山(gāo shān) alpine
还是(hái shì) or
直接(zhí jiē) immediate
(cóngcóng) from
(shān) gable
(páng) self
绕过(rào guò) to avoid
(níní) woolen material

If a high hill stood between A and B, it was important to decide whether the line should climb over it, pierce it with a tunnel, or make a detour to avoid it.

他的( tā de)
计划(jì huà) project
那条( nà tiáo)
(jiàn) to build
一座( yī zuò)
(qiáo) bridge

His plan is to build a bridge over that river.

奥克兰(ào kè lán) Oakland (California, US city)
(shì) is
一座( yī zuò)
新西兰(xīn xī lán) New Zealand
(dedì) of
城市(chéng shì) urban

Auckland is a city in New Zealand.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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