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中国纺织品进出口总公司zhong1 guo2 fang3 zhi1 pin3 jin4 chu1 kou3 zong3 gong1 si1 China National Textiles Import and Export Company
中国网通国际通信股份有限公司zhong1 guo2 wang3 tong1 guo2 ji4 tong1 xin4 gu3 fen1 you3 xian4 gong1 si1 China Netcom International
中国美术馆zhong1 guo2 mei3 shu4 guan3 China National Art Gallery
中国蓝星集团 zhong1 guo2 lan2 xing1 ji2 tuan2 China National Bluestar Group
中央广播电台zhong1 yang1 guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2 Radio Taiwan International (RTI)
中央民族大学zhong1 yang1 min2 zu2 da4 xue2 Central University for Nationalities
中石油集团 zhong1 shi2 you2 ji2 tuan2 China National Petroleum Group
义勇军进行曲yi4 yong3 jun1 jin4 xing2 qu3 March of the Volunteer Army (PRC National Anthem)
五四爱国运动wu3 si4 ai4 guo2 yun4 dong4 May Fourth Movement
佐格比国际zuo3 ge2 bi4 guo2 ji4 Zogby International (polling company)
俄罗斯族e2 luo2 si1 zu2 Russian nationality
保家卫国bao3 jia1 wei4 guo2 national defense
全国两会 quan2 guo2 liang3 hui4 national meeting of the NPC and CPPCC
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