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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
rú cǐ yī lái
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yu4 chi2 yat1 loi4
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Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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贝克(bèi kè) abbr. for 貝克勒爾贝克勒尔bei4 ke4 le4 er3
小姐(xiǎo jie) Ms.
知道(zhī dào) to know
那个(nà ge) also pr. nei4 ge5
年轻(nián qīng) young
男子(nán zǐ) a male
很快(hěn kuài) quickly
就要(jiù yào) will
离开了(lí kāi le) to leave
所以(suǒ yǐ) as a result
决定(jué dìng) decision
请求(qǐng qiú) to request
他将( tā jiāng)
(jū) car
稍微(shāo wēi) a little bit
移开(yí kāi) move away
如此一来(rú cǐ yī lái) as in the following
(tā) she
(jiù) only
(néng) may
在夜间(zài yè jiān) nighttime
入睡(rù shuì) to fall asleep
(qián) first
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
她的( tā de)
(jū) car
正确的( zhèng què de) errorless
(wèi) seat
(zhì) to buy

Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.

别紧张 ,
如此一来(rú cǐ yī lái) as in the following
(tā) another
认为(rèn wéi) to believe
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
带了(dài le) to have brought
违禁品(wéi jīn pǐn) contraband
(ér) with
检查(jiǎn chá) to inspect
耽搁(dāngē) tarry
时间(shí jiān) time

Don't be nervous. Because of this he won't think you're carrying any contraband, and won't open your trunk to check, and hold you up.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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