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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
rú jīn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yu4 gam1
Short definition contemporary
Usage frequency Very common
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(zài) (located) at
(rú) as if
(cǐ) this
漫长的( màn cháng de) lengthy
时期(shí qī) phase
(nèi) within
如此(rú cǐ) so
众多的( zhòng duō de) masses of
人们(rén men) people
(duì) for
我们( men) us
(shuō) to scold
对于(duì yú) regarding
我们的(wǒmende) our
成功(chéng gōng) to succeed
我们( men) us
应该(yīng gāi) should
淡漠(dàn mò) apathetic
应该(yīng gāi) should
害怕(hài pà) to be scared
应该(yīng gāi) should
不相信( bù xiāng xìn) misdoubt
但是(dàn shì) but
历史(lì shǐ) history
(zhī) him
(lún) wheel
如今(rú jīn) contemporary
已在( yǐ zài)
我们( men) us
历史(lì shǐ) history
(zhī) him
(lún) wheel
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
又一次(yòu yī cì) yet again
(zài) (located) at
我们( men) us
驶向(shǐ xiàng) to drive towards
美好未来( měi hǎo wèi lái) a good future

It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long, by so many, to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve, to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

如今(rú jīn) contemporary
(yào) may
保护(bǎo hù) to defend
自己(zì jǐ) herself
大规模杀伤性武器(dà guī mó shā shāng xìng wǔ qì dà guī mó shā shāng xìngdà guī mó shā shāng xìng wǔ qì) weapons of mass destruction
(dedì) of
伤害(shāng hài) to harm
是不可能的 。
Nowadays it's not possible to protect oneself against weapons of mass destruction.

大象(dà xiàng) elephant
(shì) is
如今(rú jīn) contemporary
现存的( xiàn cún de) existing
(lǐ) village
最大的( zuì dà de) Maximum

Elephants are the largest land animals alive today.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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