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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yī huì
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yat1 wui5
Short definition also pr. [yi1 hui3]
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions a moment, a whileMDBG icon / also pr. [yi1 hui3]MDBG icon/
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: a while
Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: a moment, a while
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: a moment; a while; in a moment; also pr. [yi1 hui3]
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(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
工作(gōng zuò) job
(tài) too
勤奋(qín fèn) diligent
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
休息(xiū xi) to rest
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
(ba) dumb

You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while.

他在( tā zài)
那里(nà li) there
站了(zhàn le) to stand
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3

He stood there for a while.

一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
(tā) she
(jiù) only
(zǒu) from
进了(jìn le) to enter
我的( de) my
房间(fáng jiān) room

Before long, she came into my room.

(rén) man
(shì) is
(wéi wěi wěi) only
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
说话的( shuō huà de) talking
动物(dòng wù) animal

Man is the only animal that can speak.

一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
下雨(xià yǔ) rainy
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
(tíng) to halt
(yǔ) to wet

It was raining on and off all night long.

你等(nǐ děng) you all (archaic)
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
然后(rán hòu) thereupon
(zài) re-
(jǐ) to provide
(wǒ) I
打电话(dǎ diàn huà) to dial a telephone
可以(kě yǐ) can
(ma) (question tag)

Could you call me back later?

(wǒ) I
(rú) as if
(guǒ) fruit
休息(xiū xi) to rest
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
没问题(méi wèn tí) no problem
(ba) dumb

Is it okay if I take a break?

一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
那人( nà rén)
(jiù) only
(zǒu) from
进了(jìn le) to enter
房间(fáng jiān) room

After a while, the man came into the room.

(rén) man
(shì) is
(wéi wěi wěi) only
一会(yī huì) also pr. yi1 hui3
使用(shǐ yòng) to use
(huǒ) fire
(dedì) of
动物(dòng wù) animal

Man is the only fire-using animal.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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